Monday, April 09, 2007

Peanut butter, condom demos, and dancing, OH MY!

Hi everyone!
So, it's been about a month since I last wrote on here...let me fill you in...So, I met with the Ministry of Health's Reproductive Unit and talked with the "official" person about doing initial TBA trainings. She said that she supports them, but wishes that I would spend the money I can find on something else to benefit women. She understood why I feel it's important for these women in Zomba to be trained. That made me very happy because now I am just working on getting the budget lowered so that I can find some funding and get everything set up for this training! This is something that I have been spending the bulk of my time on in Zomba.
Another thing that I have been busy with is working with youth clubs in my area. I have gone to quite a few lately and really enjoy the enthusiasm of the youth and giving them important information about HIV/AIDS, reproductive health, and how to use a condom. I did my first condom demonstration with a marker since I was unprepared. It was definately funny to watch, I'm sure! I also participated in a "sensitization" meeting with a community. It was really neat because ALOT of people showed up. The youth club performed dances, songs, dramas, and gave lots of information in exciting ways about HIV/AIDS. I took some good pictures and talked about STIs and their relationship to HIV/AIDS.
OH! Something that I am really excited about is my meeting with a women's group! I taught them how to make peanut butter from scratch and they absolutely loved it! We had so much fun with everything! I did lots of booty shaking dancing (traditional dancing) and singing. They performed a skit about santitation and hygiene and were so cute! The whole afternoon I borrowed a woman's baby and practiced wrapping it to my back. The baby was so fell asleep while on my back. Being in this country definately makes my biological clock tick just a little bit faster, but I won't be adopting or having any kids for quite some time!
I spent last week with a counterpart at an EDZI Toto club workshop (No AIDS club). It was awful and didn't really help me out with learning anything new...oh well...
Update on Camp G.L.O.W.: I am co-coordinating 2 days, health and gender, with my friend Catherine. I am excited about the responsibility of arranging guest speakers and activities for these girls! I will keep you posted!
I guess that's it for now with me! I'm headed back to site for a few weeks and then have more Camp GLOW and GAD meetings! I love and miss you lots! Fill me in on what you've been up to!