Saturday, August 05, 2006

Back from my site... :-(

hey everyone,
So I am in Lilongwe now until Peace Corps finds me a new site. My house was not so good to say the least. It was infested with tons of mosquitoes and mice, besides being utterly disgustingly dirty. The woman who lived there before me literally moved out the day before and didn't have time to clean it. I arrived on Monday to find no furniture, so I had to argue with my MA (the head of the clinic) about it. They signed an agreement with PC that they would provide the house, a bedframe, a table, and chairs. He said that they didn't have enough funding to get me the furniture. That was just the beginning. I needed screens on my windows and he said they couldn't pay for that either. So, I had to call my boss, Edith to tell her about it. She came on Wednesday to see how bad the house was. She said that she would talk to the health center and discuss who should pay for repairs and if they couldn't come to an agreement, I would be moving. I figure that I should be living at the same standards as the rest of the health center staff and they don't have any of the problems that I have. I spent all of Tuesday scrubbing my toilet and bathing rooms, but unfortunately they still look really dirty because they are stained with dirt from the previous renter. Absolutely disgusting! I freaked out on Thursday from all the problems and told Edith that I can't live here anymore. She said that we would discuss a new site location for me on Monday. I will let you know how that goes. I ended up staying the nights at my wonderful neighbor's house because I can't sleep with mice running around. She was so amazing, she made me dinners and breakfasts. Malawians are so hospitable its ridiculous. You would never find that in the states. So, I am now in Lilongwe after a long and hot 5 hour minibus ride from Liwonde. I hope that everything turns out for the best, I know it will! I will keep you posted...until then, send me stuff to the Lilongwe address! I miss everyone lots and can't wait to hear how you are all doing!

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